Rise & Fall

A still of me from Rise & Fall holding a journal.

Rise & Fall is an intimate, immersive solo theatre performance that takes the audience on my journey of grief and loss after losing my Mum when I was 20 years of old. It weaves various forms of storytelling, including music, spoken word, prose, and performance.

It had a sold out debut show as part of the 2022 Melbourne Fringe Festival at the Bowery Theatre, and was supported by a Be Bold Residency through Sidney Myer Fund and Brimbank City Council.


  • Direction - Piper Huynh

  • Dramaturg - Peta Murray

  • Set Design: Jennifer Tran/Jacqueline Tran

Partners: Organisations and companies who support independent, high quality theatre that is experimental, immersive, intimate, and isn’t afraid to tackle the big, universal themes of life.

Read testimonials from audience members here.